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2019-5-25 Handouts Icon for Dad's Websit

PDF Student Handouts and Summaries 

Alex with Outdoor Library Setup for Webs

Dr. Alex Flynt, Speaker on Integrating Uniquely Human Knowledge

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Shanghai 2016: Nightly Faculty and Student Gatherings—and Large Open Lecture

Decades Researching and Speaking on the Integrated Understanding of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Starting with the material in “Download Handout # 2,” Dr. Alex Flynt has spent decades researching and speaking on the integrated understanding of the humanities and social sciences and related subject matter. In addition to several years of teaching such broad general courses as world civilization and American civilization at colleges and universities, he has made numerous independent presentations of related material to high schoolers, college and graduate students, and professors at conferences and elsewhere. He has spoken at small gatherings at libraries, churches, and classrooms as well as at large events open to the public at American and overseas colleges. His talks are well received, with some people he has addressed claiming—even years later—to have had something permanently added to their integrated understanding of knowledge. Dr. Flynt is still often available to speak to groups large or small.

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